Canyonlands National Park, BLM Lands
“When you follow a wash, you’ll often find some shit.”
— Amanda Stormer Hartley
The Blooming Desert
Prickly Pear (Opuntia), native only to the Americas. Their fruit was an important food source for indigenous desert people.
Fun fact:
Prickly pears were introduced to Australia in the 1900s, and quickly converted farmland into “an impenetrable green jungle of prickly pear ... Scores of farmers were driven off their land by what they called the ‘green hell’; their abandoned homes were crushed under the cactus growth, which advanced at a rate of 400,000 hectares (1,000,000 acres) per year.”
Finally, in 1925, the Australian government’s Commonwealth Prickly Pear Board introduced a South American moth that fed on prickly pear, greatly reducing the invader. (Wikipedia).
California Poppy (Eschscholtzia californica), the state flower of California — but what do flowers know about boundaries?
Strange Formations
Swimmin Hole
This is a popular spot, and we were psyched to cool off after a 100-degree hike. Alas, the drought had left only a sad, muddy puddle. These revelers and their dogs were determined to make it a day regardless.
Our group (Alex, Amanda, Ella, Franklin, and Philip), dressed out for swimming, ended up drinking instead.
Western Utah
Town of Green River
Population (2019): 856
“Green River’s current economy relies on seasonal waves of tourism powered by the town’s hotels, gas stations, and restaurants, which employ the majority of residents. In the spring of 2020, COVID-19 closures all but eliminated the town’s major source of income immediately after the winter, when Green River sees very few visitors and many workers have already been furloughed.
The COVID-19 crisis froze Green River’s annual economic upswing, and seasonal hospitality, service-based, and agriculture/ recreation businesses and their workers are still suffering the consequences” (2020 Annual Report, Epicenter community development non-profit www.ruralandproud.org).
Above and below, the Green River itsownself. The main tributary of the Colorado River, its 730 miles run through Wyoming, Utah and a small corner of Colorado. Taken from the John Wesley Powell River History Museum, well-curated and interesting. Also surprising in such a small “city.”
Headquarters of Epicenter, a community development non-profit based in Green River whose motto is “Rural and Proud.”
Mission statement: “Epicenter stewards creative initiatives that honor the past, strengthen the present, and build the future that we envision alongside our community.
Located in Green River, Utah, Epicenter is a vibrant hub for rural investment and cultural exploration of the rural West” (www.ruralandproud.org).